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/ 2022 /  I Never Dance by Myself, Buropolis, Marseille 

/ 2020 /  Thermal Residant, Parc Saint-Léger Contemporary Art Center, Pougues-les-Eaux

/ 2019 /  Karmamousse, Passerelle Contemporary Art Center, Brest



/ 2022 /  King of Hygge, courated by Margaux Fontaine, Pamela artist-run space, Nîmes  

               I feel better in the corner, a Bettina Blanc Penther exhibition, La Station, Nice 

               Sleep Spaces, a Corentin Canesson exhibition, Visual Arts Center, Austin TX

               Texas Bar Bordel, a Corentin Canesson exhibition, Sator Gallery, Paris

               The Witch, the Jester, the Sentinels, the Ghost and the Princess, Château de Vincennes, Paris

               Video programming for Plus de jamais de cheveux collants a Natacha Lesueur exhibition, Eva Vautier Gallery, Nice

               New Videos, video programming of the 2021 acquisitions, The Player, Frac Poitou-Charente, Angoulême

/ 2021 /  Mauve Zone, curated by Elsa Vettier, FRAC Bretagne, Rennes

               Amour cycle court, la Guerrière gallery, la Guerrière gallery, Rennes

/ 2020 /   Thermal résidant, Parc Saint Léger, Contemporary Art Center Pougues-les-Eaux

              Summer video vibes, curated by IVECO NU, IVECO NU artist-run space, Noisy-le-Sec

/ 2019 /   Wainting for the sun, curating by Yves Barlett and Yue Yuan, an online exhibition given as part of the Wrong Biennale. 

              It’s Going On, curating by Maxence Chevreau and Margaux Janisset, Bellevue artist-run space, Douarnenez 

              Topos, curating by Adèle Hemier, La maison des arts, Grand-Quevilly

              The World We Live In, arts festival, the Prins Claus Conservatory, Groningen

              The Young Video Festival, curating by Folle Béton, ENSAD, Paris

              Plastic Love II, curating by Pauline Creuzé and Jung Huh, Galerie du 59 Rivoli, Paris


/ 2018 /, Saint-André Abbey Contemporary Art Center, Meymac

               Hors Situ 8, chapelle du Quartier Haut, Sète

               Temps libre, curating by Reynald Drouhin, Vanessa Quang Gallery, Paris

               Katapeltes, curating by collectif Uklukk, International House from Rennes

               Videohouse 3 , itinerant festival, Biquini Wax EPS-Mexico City, Deslaves-Tijuana, Human Ressources-Los Angeles

               /ˌmɪsɪˈsɪpiːz / , curating by Alexandre Barré, Crous Gallery, Paris


/ 2017 /   327 pas de l’une à l’autre, curating by Fanny Gicquel and Vincent-Mickaêl Vallet, Toussaint Church, Rennes

              SALADE 25FPS, Sous les Tropiques, Bruxelles 


/ 2016 /   Hunky Dory, Fine Arts Museum, Rennes 

              Material Reality, Vanessa Quang Gallery, Paris 


/ 2017 - 2018 /  Post-Graduation Research Program Offshore  «Creation et globalisation», Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, Shanghai

/ 2014 - 2016 /  BA and MA graduated with jury honours, Fine Arts School of Brittany, Rennes

/ 2010 - 2011 / Preparatory Class, Fine Arts School of Sète



/ 2022 /  residency at Buropolis, partnership with Yes We Camp, Voyons voir and Uklukk , Marseille

/ 2020 - 2021 / residency in an High School program, partnership with Frac Bretagne, Lycée Jean Guéhenno, Fougère

/ 2020 / Résidence secondaire, Parc Saint-Léger contemporary art center, Pougues-les-Eaux

/ 2018-2019 /  Residency Les Chantiers, Passerelle Contemporary  Art Center, partnership with Documents d’Artistes Bretagne, Brest

/ 2016 /  B.O.A.T, onboard to the Grand Largue, EESAB Artistic Research Boat, Douarnenez

/ 2014 / Residency Slow Media, collaboration with Manchester Fine Arts School’s students, Landevennec



/ 2021 /  Fusion 660, collective performance with Alix Desaubliaux, Lucie Desaubliaux, Thomas Portier, Manon Riet and Mathilde Vaillant, ADV, Rennes

               The Female Pilote Song, as part of TELL ME festival,  Frac Bretagne in partnership work with DUUU radio, Rennes

/ 2020 /  The Lounge Charms, Vivarium collective studio, Rennes

/ 2019 /  The Attention Award Presentation Night, as part of the exhibition Un maximum de ..., curated by collectif OK, Saint-Nicolas church, Caen

             Crêposucre, as part of the exhibition It’s Going On, Bellevue artist-run space, Douarnenez

             Mediattion, with Morgan Azaroff (de Charme collectif), Passerelle Contemporary  Art Center, Brest

/ 2018 /  Une courte lecture, Live House Cement Park,  SowerArt Space, Shanghai

             Ending Credits , with Pauline Lecerf and Louise Mutrel, Babel Lelab Festival, Hangzhou

/ 2017 /  Tenue de travail#5, Evergreen Mansion, Shanghai

             Tenue de soirée, Pasteur Hostel, Rennes

/ 2016 /  Tenue de travail#2#3#4, Fine Arts Museum, Rennes



/ 2021 /  Artist involved in professionnal days Document D’Artistes Bretagne, EESAB, Lorient, Brest, Rennes, Quimper

/ 2020-2021 / associate artist to the annual visual arts workshop program of the St Joseph middle school, Cossé le Vivien

/ 2019 / Les petites fabriques, young audience workshop as part of the exhibition Karmamousse, Passerelle CAC, Brest

/ 2017 /  Werewolf, a Workshop about Strategy, proposal to the students from the University of Visual Arts of  Shanghai, Yuyuan Art Space, Shanghai

             Développez, s’il vous plait, proposal to the students from the preparatory Class to the Montcotton Fine Arts School, Bagnol sur Cèze

/ 2014 /  Artificial Light, Studio Photography, proposal to the students from the preparatory Class to the Montcotton Fine Arts School, Bagnol sur Cèze



/ 2022  Regional collections of contemporary art (FRAC) Bretagne, Rennes

/ 2021 /  Communal fund of contemporary art of the city of Rennes, Rennes

              Regional collections of contemporary art (FRAC) Poitou-Charentes, Angoulême


/ 2019 /  Elsa VettierICI 

             Louis FrehringICI 

> FR


© 2023 par Luc Morin. Créé avec

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